Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Imprint

This website is operated by Rhythm Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V., a limited liability company established in the Netherlands.

  • Address:Radarweg 29
    1043 NX Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Email address:EU_Medinfo@rhythmtx.com
  • Phone number:0031 20 8546071
  • Company register number:83439315
    (Chamber of Commerce of the Netherlands, Kamer van Koophandel)
  • Authorized representatives:

    James Matthew Flaherty
    Yann Marcel Jacques Mazabraud
    Joseph Jay Shulman
    Mark de Leeuw

  • Supervisory authority:Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd)
  • VAT identification number: 862874920B01